Friday, October 30, 2009

The Clipse Listening Party at The Vault

Some of you may have seen this, but the majority of you probably have not. Im genuinely anticipating this album. Many of you know i am a hip-hop proponent/enthusiast and there aren't too many albums or songs these days that stick to me like rice. I just me these guys in August we kicked it like we had been homeboys for years. This is a clip that got me excited maybe it gets you excited as well. The second video is a small piece from when they hanging with me at Burn Rubber

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fresh Framework

This is a display of artwork over in Paris; a 5x5 sensoric installation that consists of an aluminum plexiglass structure which is illuminated by 6750 LED's. I actually don't think that they display anything particular but the artistry of it is what snagged my attention. Many of your know i rant about art and the lack of it in the States therefore im paralyzed with curiosity whenever i see this sort of work. Feel free to just gander and let it inspire you however it may.