So we all checked out Raisin in the Sun right?
We are going to take a journey right now, first we will get a little serious and then i will get into my sarcasm later since that is what i do best.
Let me preface this by saying that i read the book when i was in the ninth grade but until now had never seen it acted out. The play/movie was cool i enjoyed it. But the one thing that stuck out to me was when they moved into their new home and chilly reception they recieved from their neighbors. I know our elders say this all the time but we really need to appreciate the freedoms and opportunities that we now have. I can imagine, however I cannot fathom what it felt like to go through some of the treatment that some of the blacks before me were challenged with. Why can't we all just get along? Some of the people close to me have heard me talk about how I wish the world was a better place and seeing things like that just bother me. With all the love that i have in my heart for everybody, i just struggle with the idea of hate or hating someone.
On to the next platform, think about all of the dreams that we have and wish we could achieve. I know Walter was duped but the fact that he went out and tried to make something happen was laudable. I agree it wasn't the smartest investment but nonetheless he put the plan in motion. I hear a lot of people express what they wish they could be or what they wish they could do, seeing something like that should make you want to take some steps and get out your own dreams. We live in America, anything is possible. We have to own our situation and realize that we are entitled to a slice of the pie just like everybody else in this country. I heard a saying once that said, "one man dreamt of becoming something while the other man stayed awake and became". Dreaming is phenomenal but at some point the rubber has to meet the road. Of course sacrifices must be made but if you want it bad enough you gotta do whatcha gotta do. In my short life I've realized that what is near and dear to you may not be near and dear to those around you even loved ones, so you have to have the fortitude to go after that vision in YOUR head for YOUR life.
Now the lighter side, it was weird trying to picture Diddy as an actor. He still had that same Diddy arrogance, I was expecting him to say "take that, take that" at any moment. Why did i literally turn from Raisin in the Sun to MTV and Diddy was sitting there with his shades on and a toothpick in his mouth. I said "oh well that just ruined it for me". Hopefully you left your remote alone, i guess that's what i get huh? Side note: Looks like they gave Diddy a nice wardrobe especially that brown jacket with the two textures on the front, was Walter that crispy, oh yeah this is TV.
However, like i said i thought the play/movie (i don't know what to call it as you can see) was good and it just proves some stories are timeless and they are good for anybody and any generation.
1 comment:
I was thinkin the samething about "Diddy".
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