I've just been informed that Whole Foods takes bridge cards or EBT or whatever you call them. This is huge, no i don't think you realize how huge this is. Ya'll better take advantage of this before they realized that they messed up, royaly. Whole Foods is expensive! Whole Foods carries organic food and generally a high quality product. They better not let this get out because everybody is going to get on the EBT program because i know i thought about it.
The government is paying for people to eat of the good china. These folks can potentially be eating better than most Americans. So this is how it goes, if you work too hard for a living you can't get the government to buy your food, so you can't afford to throw away an arm and a leg in Whole Foods. But if you don't make enough, then you get to live the good life (as far as food is concerned). I know everybody has to eat and i think its phenomenal that the government is not just supplying the bottom of the barrel. But im just a little jealous as you can tell. Im good though because i know somebody that has an EBT card and im about to give them a ring. Call me if you want the good stuff.
Everyone should be able to eat healthy with all the steroids in the unhealthy foods. The less fortunate should not have to suffer..I think its a great idea.
Wallo, you already let the cat out the bag
wallo your just an IDIOT!
you're right, whole foods is expensive. so someone with ebt could blow a good portion of their food stamp balance on a few good items from whole foods, and go hungry the rest of the month. no one i know with ebt could afford to shop at whole foods all the time. maybe a few things once in a great while. plus, people with food stamps and cash aid on their ebt card are required to work 35 hours a week. so no, we are not lazy or sit on our butt all day, we are struggling families who have no one else to help us out, no one to babysit for us. the cost of child care alone is enough to put one in debt. and not all jobs offer full time with benefits.
As someone who has worked hard, very hard for the last 15 years and could afford shopping at whole foods to make gourmet and vegetarian dinners, and has just been laid off from my job and is applying for ebt, I think it is very shallow and closeminded to say the "government helps bottom of the barrel eat well" while hard workers can't afford whole foods. If you worked that hard you can afford it, fir the rest of Americans who are unfortunate enough to not make a lot of $$$ or have lost their jobs, their meager monthly food allowance should be used anywhere that sells food, and like another comment said it would be hard to eat a whole month at whole foods on an ebt card. Stop being so jealous over $30/ week someone struggling that has worked hard, and paid taxes into goverment program may receive. I'm sure you spend that amount at least once a week eating a dinner out, no?
Fuck you wallo I work! Probably harder than you will ever have to you punk bitch. Not everyone is priviledged and some have to start from the bottom and make their way up like I had to.
Wallo my intellectually marginalized idiot friend may you learn from the comments of our peers and contemporaries. Professionally my company recently went through multiple rounds of layoff's and regrettably I to was affected. As a father of three two with special needs I recently found some relief with the use of EBT cards while I seek new employment. I have always felt good health begins at home with a disciplined healthy diet. As one commenter stated poignantly everyone has a right to eat as healthy as they feel is right for them wherever they may desire purchase their food. I'm grateful that stores like Whole foods supports these types and this program.
What a horrible concept, that only the rich can eat healthy. That is the problem with America, the food that is the most affordable like McDonalds isn't good for you. FYI, you can't buy prepared food with an EBT card.
Wallo, Wall, Wally or whatever they call you, you are very ignorant and insensitive! I work 40 plus hours a week to help the Americans you are degrading get Food Stamps and other governmental benefits to feed their poor kids! How dare a military widow of 4 ask the federal government for assistance to feed her kids while she waitresses’ tables and prays the same government don’t foreclose on the house her deceased husband gave his life to purchase. How dare a father of two part his lips to ask for assistance to feed his kids while all his assets evaporate while he chooses to take stand by his wife of 10 years who’s suffering from severe brain trauma after a horrific car accident… yes, the wife he takes care of and has not left for some young, hot, super educated senseless chic like yourself! How dare an 18 year old child with no mother or father or any stable family member for that matter ask the greatest and wealthiest country in the land for $200 bucks a month to feed her and her child, so she doesn’t have to resort to prostitution, drugs or any other illegal activity in your suburban villa! These issues have no limits, friends or biases…before you take it upon yourself to speak on something you know nothing about you should take the time to read a page on the issue!!! Oh, I guess all these folks had it coming!
No kid grows up hoping to be poor, homeless, on drugs, an addict, or anything less than great…just because we are not in their situation does not give us the right to look at them any differently. You should love thy neighbor like thy self. I hope you repent and change your ways. Since you hate people that get free stuff you must really hate the Holocaust, all Germans, Slavery and all European Americans!
Don’t worry I shop Whole Foods too, so don’t worry all the poor, bottom of the barrel patron will not buy all the Morrell mushrooms from you!!
Wallo, Wall, Wally or whatever they call you, you are very ignorant and insensitive! I work 40 plus hours a week to help the Americans you are degrading get Food Stamps and other governmental benefits to feed their poor kids! How dare a military widow of 4 ask the federal government for assistance to feed her kids while she waitresses’ tables and prays the same government don’t foreclose on the house her deceased husband gave his life to purchase. How dare a father of two part his lips to ask for assistance to feed his kids while all his assets evaporate while he chooses to take stand by his wife of 10 years who’s suffering from severe brain trauma after a horrific car accident… yes, the wife he takes care of and has not left for some young, hot, super educated senseless chic like yourself! How dare an 18 year old child with no mother or father or any stable family member for that matter ask the greatest and wealthiest country in the land for $200 bucks a month to feed her and her child, so she doesn’t have to resort to prostitution, drugs or any other illegal activity in your suburban villa! These issues have no limits, friends or biases…before you take it upon yourself to speak on something you know nothing about you should take the time to read a page on the issue!!! Oh, I guess all these folks had it coming!
No kid grows up hoping to be poor, homeless, on drugs, an addict, or anything less than great…just because we are not in their situation does not give us the right to look at them any differently. You should love thy neighbor like thy self. I hope you repent and change your ways. Since you hate people that get free stuff you must really hate the Holocaust, all Germans, Slavery and all European Americans!
Don’t worry I shop Whole Foods too, so don’t worry all the poor, bottom of the barrel patron will not buy all the Morrell mushrooms from you!!
Wow. Written by someone who has obviously never experienced misfortune in the form of a layoff, illness or what have you. How sad it is that you find nothing better to do than cast stones at the marginalized folks of our society. We are all living in tough economic times and even with multiple college degrees, individuals are struggling to find work and make ends meet, EBT helps. And if individuals decide to use that money at Whole Foods, they must have a good reason for doing so, whether it be health or convenience (because perhaps it is close by or they have limited transportation). In my case, we use Whole Foods for specific ingredients that are not cross-contaminated by allergens so that we do not risk our son's life by serving him ingredients that have been contaminated by peanuts. Have you thought of that, or were you too busy trying to think of how you could call out individuals going through a tough time?
Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. ~Emily Kimbrough
Keep in mind that people have less energy to work at all if they eat food with low nutrients, and if an individual store or chain of stores chooses to participate in the program, that's their choice.
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