Friday, August 29, 2008

Work Appropriate Behavior

Alright, im going to need a some feedback to make sure i am not crazy. At my workplace there is a relatively new individual who has been there for maybe 2 or 3 months. Relatively hard working guy (i say that because he works two jobs). However it has come to some of his co-workers attention that he shaves in the bathroom at the job. Now there is a public mens restroom but there is also an individual restroom which is the one he uses. This has not been discovered once but twice. My co-worker recalls "he came to work shaggy and i saw him later in the day and he was groomed up". Now what i believe to be the worst part of this fiasco is that there are traces of hair after he leaves the restroom, granted it may be slight but...(shaking head)

When i first heard this my reaction was of pure and plenary disbelief. I said audibly " What is he THINKING?". This is not a complete grooming facility, there are no showers coupled with personal lockers! Am I crazy or do people do this at work. I thought that this was something you took care of at home. Do people do this? I think that i am going to have to sit down with this guy and have some dialogue because i think he is just mistaken.


Anonymous said...

your hilarious wallo! i never heard of ppl shaving at work but i have seen them in the car doing it in the morning. I am assuming there are on their way to work.

AutumnJones said...

This is sick!!!. maybe he's homeless, no running water( just trying to make it seem right) lol... i think i wouldnt have a problem with it if her cleaned up after himself. but thats still not something that you do at work. Yuck...