The Olympics are the greatest spectacle on earth! Watching the numerous nations assemble together in one location is humbling. Frankly, everybody in the world is so beautiful. Im real zealous right now, looking at the pride all of these nations have for their respective homelands. An event like this is truly magnificent and urges us to realize how small of a world portion we sample everyday. I love these people!
I need to develop a broader palette of friends. Im about to get a correspondent or a friend in 15 countries so i can keep tabs on the pulse of the world, or at least im going to try. I suggest we all make an effort to expand our circles and step out of our comfort zones. Im trying to learn spanish by the way and whoever wants to help me do it let me know, perhaps thats why i had a dream last night that i was buying Pimsleurs Spanish program. Lets step our world game up.
God is love
Rev Run
Rev Run
Naw im just clowning- PEACE, literally and figuratively.
I would LOVE to help you learn spanish Me Amor!
Yea, i feel you on that Wallo. Dang but did you see the opening ceremony WOW!!!! No one will top that.
Now you see all this stuff on the news about how things were fake and all that. I believe it but at the same times i dont want to. Simply because i feel like maybe it's our country trying to make us beleive some Bull about Chinamen.
I feel like Americas always know how to take something from other people. So waht its fake, etc. Thinsk of all the hard work they put into it to make us believe it.
sorry i deleted teh other cause i had more to say
Great Spin brotha, i do need to reach out to others to make new acquaintances. I think i'll go out and meet an Asian woman today!
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