Now that much of the adrenaline has subsided, the reality and enormity of Barack's presidential campaign has taken a different direction, for me at least. I watched Barack approach the podium with his radiant family by his side. I listened attentively as he addressed the nation, and redirected the jubilant energy towards a more critical and somber mood. But as i stared, i understood what Barack's intentions were. He knows that there is so much work to do and how paramount it is that we are all on the same page, as he consoled even those that did not cast their ballot in his favor. He mentioned that he would be forthright with information and he might not always make a call that we are going to like. I have the utmost respect for his intentions, as he appears to be a man after my own heart. More importantly this spills into a more daunting issue.
I was at work and a co-worker asked me "don't you think Barack feels a lot of pressure, because what if he doesn't do well?". When he approached me with that question, i was immediately struck with a measure of familiarity. I responded to him as if i was pregnant with the answer for 24 years, maybe i was. I told him Barack feels the same way that I do EVERYDAY! Granted i am not the president, but i carry the onus and weight of my family, race, and affiliations to everyone that i encounter everyday. I represent Wallingtons everywhere i go, i represent a black race every living and breathing second. There are so many people that i interact with at work on a daily basis that will rarely ever get the opportunity to have a quality experience with a black person, the only construction they get is through the media. If i were to affirm those stereotypes and misconceptions then i have failed. I understand it is not about what others think, and i should not have to whisk away other people's ill-informed notions but the situation is bigger than me and when you are a part of something larger than yourself it brings a greater sense of responsibility. For Barack and myself we do it for the people that will come after us, so that they too will have a chance to operate in whatever capacity of life we were once in, one of the best things we can do is "not close the door".
So Barack approached the people carefully and compassionately because he cares, but he has been carrying the onus for years, im sure people have been incredulous of him his whole life, its nothing new to him, he's been proving himself every time somebody gives him a chance. Barack is transparently a synecdoche for blacks. I believe that he is genuine and his character has steadied turbulent waters, when your lifestyle is honest and open you have nothing to worry about. My grandfather once told me when i was little, "keep your nose clean, in case you want to be president one day". Baracks grandmother must have told him the same thing.
As always nice peace.
Barack is true to the his word that his campaign and now his presidency is truly about bringing people together. Each one of us needs to seek that connection with those of like and opposed mind to perform a higher good, a greater purpose. Focusing on the tasks at hand and not looking back is the best way to make a way for those who would follow.
- J
i love it....
I'm late reading, but I love your viewpoint, especially how you stated that you feel that way everyday. The title is so good, it's palpable...
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