One of the most notorious American officiated prisons is Guantanamo Bay where foreign detainees are often held and tortured, however not like you would think. One of the absurd ways America gets under the skin of prisoners is with music. Many of the incarcerated are from the Taliban regime where music is prohibited. The prison blares music, often rock but not limited to, for hours upon hours, which to the unfamiliar listeners it just sounds like strident noise.
Many of the prisoners have recalled inmates going hay-wire. Binyam Mohammed recalls guys screaming and simultaneously banging their heads on the walls because they could not take it anymore. One inmate had his hands and feet shackled together and in conjunction all the extremities were shackled to the floor so that he was forced into a painful squat for two days. Oh and I forgot the music was still playing at top notch decibels. As expected officials at Guantanamo Bay declined to comment.
The reason this story has come to light is because a coalition of musicians including Nine Inch Nails and Tom Marello from Rage Against the Machine are requesting that their music not be used. It must feel good for the prisoners to finally have some advocates. On one end i have to give kudos for the creativity, but on the other hand I don't know that i am for torturing anyone. I feel bad for the prisoners, as much as the innocent can feel bad for the guilty. Have you ever listened to rock music for HOURS straight with no break for your ears, im assuming with the volume so loud you can't hear yourself think? I am really speechless on this because i have yet to fully absorb this info. I suppose it would have been worse if they were playing that new Kanye with that excessively worn, irritating, uncreative AUTOTUNE! I apologize for polarizing comment representing my musical feelings. Im done here.
I shudder think of the karmonic repercussions of this type of cruel and unusual treatment. I would hope that we as a nation are better than that. I was wondering if Kanye's experimentation would miss the mark. Autotune is tolerable mixed into radio programming or shuffled amongst an entire music library but sitting down and listening to an entire "album" of it might indeed get torturous. I guess he figured in the Steve Jobs era nobody listens to album straight through anyway. He can afford to take a gamble. If he's wrong he is still Rick James. Pac gambled once and we got All Eyez On Me. E gambled again …What you call torture I call Pine Knob errr DTE Energy Music Theatre. Okay, how aimless aim I? Oh yeah if W vetos the auto bridge loan he will officially be the worst CIC ever. Keep it up B Wallo.
Very good point about the Steve Jobs era and what has rippled in its wake. I like the notion of stepping outside the box, it doesn't always turn out favorable for everyone involved though.
"I suppose it would have been worse if they were playing that new Kanye with that excessively worn, irritating, uncreative AUTOTUNE!"
~Teia B
He but imagine his vocals without the Autotune. That might even be worse.
Very Good read. i like your disposition being the aspect of "I feel bad for the prisoners, as much as the innocent can feel bad for the guilty." Though they may be deserving of a little torture for their crimes (eye for an eye type thing), does that make it ok to perform such psychological destruction? and who are we to just give ourselves permission to even commit such a crime?
And as far as Kanye's AUTOTUNE, i hate it!!!
I'm going to keep the peace around here though. mission accomplished Wallo.
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