This is going to be one of my few self motivating post. I was recently in Atlanta at a store entitled Wish. They had the illest shoe collection in the western hemishpere. Those who live in fashion priviledged areas such as Atlanta, LA, or NY may scoff at this post but im an ardent seeker of quality and variety and i do not get much of that in the "D", so "what choo want me to do, im sorry!". Who am I kidding nobody in LA reads or NY reads this blog!
The unique thing about a lot of the aforementioned places is that they have a good selection of independent boutiques and shops which creates diversity, individuality, and identity. When you live in a big city and they only utilize big business it creates redundancy, and it really doesn't promote the spirit of entrepreneurship. Also when you have other budding designers they are afforded an avenue to get out their pieces or collections and it makes a beneficial scenario for everyone involved. There are positives to larger business, such as jobs and familiarity but you need to mix it up with a little friendly competition. As far as a tourist is concerned they are not looking to come into town and visit a Macy's because every state contains one already, nothing new the same things, give them something fresh, native, and indegenious.
So back to my shoe zeal, you can't even see all the shoes they had in here but you can extrapolate from what i've displayed. I was just a little excited; they had a bevy of shoes and i assume they must own a top tier account with most of the brands. Nonetheless i hope you found something of quality amongst my excitement. Oh and they are killing everybody with the name embedded in the concrete like "we own this spot". Life is about the details.
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