Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Black Olympics?

I'm a little uneasy about the idea that i have to post this video in order for the people to know what the heck i am talking about. So here it is, professional athlete Martellus Bennett decides to make a video with his brother, displaying the "Black Olympics". If you haven't clicked it i would advise you do so before you read my commentary, otherwise you are reading a fictional recap of an imagined event.

Why would he feel the need to share this ignorance with the world. To be honest I can actually see how he and his boy/brother could think this is funny. However, to elongate those stereotypes with no respectable regard for your race and the walls that you build before them is egregiously irresponsible. And as life ensues we wonder why people look at us a certain way.

I think people of particular races have to understand that when you reinforce certain stereotypes then essentially you are giving a green light to all or at minimum most stereotypes of your particular category. How do people and races unfamiliar with the reality discern what stereotypes hold true and which do not, they just get a glance of MB doing the "Black Olympics" and they say "oohhh that stuff they say about black folks must be true". I'm not saying that this something that needs to be debated with legislation but, I think someone does need to sit down with him and explain a couple of things so he can be enlightened. What he thinks is funny may only be just that to a very small sub set of people.

I think the world has expanded too fast without a rule book. All these new media outlets and platforms offer people more digital horsepower than they are capable of operating safely. With traditional methods of communication such as magazines and tv we've always had guidelines but now there is no code of ethics or unwritten/written rules. You can find not just one or two pieces but a smorgasbord of turbid material on the web.

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