Saturday, June 19, 2010

360 Degree Lifestyle

Motivational/inspirational post. Lately i've been thinking about living a more complete lifestyle, this was inspired by some things i've seen and conversing with my compadres Hump, KT, and Sutton. There are a lot of ways to help fulfill your life that we overlook, and i think there is more time in a day than we think - theoretically speaking. We spend a substantial amount of time doing essentially "nothing". There is certainly rest time required and a substantial amount of leisure is due, but think about how empty a lot of the things we do are and what does it really amount to.

I recently re-activated my library card and i plan on rejuvenating my "book" reading regimen. I read magazines and articles consistently because i write, but there is a different level of linear comprehension involved when reading a book, i need that exercise. If you've ever read something and then you realized you didn't even comprehend what you just read, you need to condition your reading skills again. The aspect of physical fitness and health is also on my list, as a spry young adolescent i worked my body twice, and sometimes three times a day. The fitness of my body was impeccable. After taking a morning jog yesterday with my basketball i realized how far from good shape i have ventured (although i don't feel it in everyday boring life). I want to perhaps enter a triathlon, do a charity walk, or take on some challenges and meet them and help others along the way. Another aspect of life i want to work on is my communication, that is my specialty, always has been. I want to take my communication to the next level and learn spanish. I want to be able to interact with a another culture and get experiences that i would otherwise be void of. Of course there is my relationship with The Lord and the growth of that, spending more deliberate quiet time with Him. Granted i keep Him in mind always throughout the day, i think it is important to get away from distractions and fully devote some time to The Lord.

In summation i think i can get more out of life, well i think we all can. There are obviously many other things that i would like to do but i just wanted to kind of touch on some things to hopefully give you a visual of what i had in mind.

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