Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tyson breeds Pigeon, not Chickens

As im currently plastered in my chair at the San Antonio International airport i have a little time on my hands. I found out something that may intrigue you, well it intrigued me. Mike Tyson is slated to have a show on Animal Planet that will air in 2011 on a topic/sport that i never knew existed until today, pigeon racing.

The article faintly talked about Mike's dealings with pigeons as a young man residing in Bedford-Stuyvesant(Bed Stuy)that i was vaguely familiar with but never gave it any reasonable measure of thought. I was under the impression that all New Yorkers played with pigeons in the park, blame Home Alone 2. Is there anyone out there that can explain how you can conduct a fair race between birds? Mike Tyson has to be one of the most interesting people, and for the record i don't think there is anything wrong with racing pigeons. I'm actually not familiar enough to have an opinion but his tendencies and affinities are very hard to come by, what makes one like that. From his let down against Buster Douglas to his biting of the ear, and now we have pigeons. And perhaps its only fitting that he endears pigeons which many people consider the dirtiest bird of them all, and consequently the most shunned. Im no psychologist but perhaps there is a level of connection and sympathy there.

The point is i find all this very mystifying and I'm certainly going to tune in to at least the inaugural episode to see what this is all about. I'll check back like a chiropractor.

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