Saturday, December 27, 2008

Obsession & Insanity

This is a video i had to create. I was led to the Macy's shoe department December 26 and look at what I found, a department in utter shambles from the catastrophic and insane shoppers. The eminent fact here is that Somerset Mall is supposed to be the premier mall in Michigan, a place the affluent and dignified flock to make their lofty purchases. Look at this mess! And people wonder why i often attack the morals and values of Americans, where is the civility.

To my understanding there was a great sale, or at least it better have been. But a great sale does not warrant acting like a savage. As Americans become greedier and exponentially more materialistic we lose our civility and values. There is no reason why you can't pick up a shoe and put it back down where you found it, there is also no reason why you can't put the shoes that you tried on back in the box that you retrieved them from! This is why stores open up at midnight to releases products and people stand in line for days upon days to purchase things they will be tired of in a month or two. This is also an extension of why we are in a recession now. I read an article a while back that said something like this, "about 25 years ago CEO's made about 5 times more than the average worker, now its about 18 times more". People have developed a tendency to get all you can at any cost, totally apathetic to the next man. Maybe im exaggerating but there is just no reason that i should have been able to make this video. Don't get me wrong i like to have things as well, however i think it is important to exercise some measure of discipline and civility. We had someone killed this year on black friday because some ignorant, belligerent, and insipid customers chose to trade a man's life for a cheaply built and marginally constructed door-buster piece of electronics that wont work in two years anyway. C'mon America, are you serious?

We need to start over make everyone hunt for food and build their own shelter.We'll go from there and we will see who's looking to get to the store to buy an overpriced item that doesn't help them live or exist one bit. I can rationalize a scene like this at a grocery store or the realtor's office just not at a department store. Next time you are shopping please act like you have some sense and assure your parents that they raised you right.

1 comment:

Myron Robert said...

You a good one, because i would have walked out. That is a great effigy of whats happenning in not just our economy, but the minds of american citizens; CHAOS!