Thursday, February 14, 2008

Today is List day

In honor of my friend Hump, im doing a hate list. He is the originator of them so im keeping the tradition going since he doesn't have a blog. And for the record (that's my favorite saying now, Jay and Drea) i don't literally hate.

Top ten things i hate:

10. T-Pain's voice synthesizer- Its a performance enhancer, hes cheating
9. Al Wissam coats- Host unlimited photos at for FREE!they used to be cool but EVERYONE in Detroit has one, people are sheep so now they're wack

8. "Club songs"- why does everyone think that is the way to get in the music game

7. Federal government- they have other things to do besides investigate professional sports, does economy jog anyone's memory

6. Kwame Kilpatrick- why is he still in office?

5. Zoot suits- Host unlimited photos at for FREE!this was inspired by kwame

4. American Idol- is it really that exciting anymore? Who even remembers the winners anymore

3. MTV- Host unlimited photos at for FREE!why are they a music television network if they never play music

2. The term "Grown & Sexy"- its so over used

1. Hgh- Why not, its all over the place now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

10 things I hate:
10. 50 Cent - I do not want to hear he's a smart business man or anything like that because bottom line he's a stupid present day BUCK (get a book people)and a display of coonery at its best. A disgrace to his race.

9. "I want to be a Model" and "I want to be a rapper"...These are great careers and can be very lucrative..I do agree howeverthere has to be a lack of role models when EVERYBODY Child is aspiring to be the same thing. This is a big irritation.

8. Cupid Shuffle- I DO NOT need a new song teaching me how to do an old school dance that EVERYONE already know how to do..I just don't.

7. NOT UNIVERSAL BUT - I can not identify one person from another in Detroit. I look to left I see a guy with gold frame Cartier glasses and a Al wissam and his identical twin all drives me CRAZY! IDENTITY PEOPLE. INDIVIDUALITY PEOPLE!

6. Fila styled Pradas - no explanation needed


4. Rising Gas Prices - I need some stability people

3. The Tyra Banks Show- When will this show end!!!!????

2. America's Next Top Model - Will will this show end!!!???

1. FADS - OMGOODNESS.Kevin Lyles say DO YOU! Common said BE YOU! Why are people trying to be THE COOL(shout out to Lupe). If you're not Gay, or a skatboarder, or a N.E.R.D. or a gangbanger. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY must we follow the FAD. Individuality get you very very very far that is why you're following the FAD/TREND in the first place.