Monday, October 6, 2008

O.J.'s Requiem

Alright Orenthal James is not dead but his brain certainly is. I deemed his latest story mundane because most people just consider O.J. a lost cause as I do, but then i read THIS...he had an acquittal party planned. I don't know if he is that pompous or if he is that dense. If you are presently unaware O.J. was convicted on armed robbery and kidnapping and could face up to life in prison. But that's not what im on right now. For a sixty something year old man he is the most mentally inept senior citizen i have ever had the opportunity to hear of. Its so ironic to me because i look at people in the 60's range as generally experienced if not exceedingly wise. But he clearly has missed his portion of wisdom (hopefully i can get his portion so that i can have double).

The story states that Thomas Riccio, an associate of Simpson, invited a couple of respectable individuals to an undisclosed location during an in studio interview as the trial was coming to a close. Phil Ramos, a Las Vegas police officer who has given expert commentary and attended the trial said "He's been predicting a hung jury". I believe the saying is counting your chickens before they hatch. Wouldn't that alone bring you bad karma. I think it is important for everyone to learn from their situations whether they are good or bad. When it is good you say "what did i do to make this happen" and when its bad "what can i do so this wont happen again". It is evident that there was nobody in O.J.'s life to "ground" him, I know that people throw that phrase around often for celebs but it fits right here. His mentality allowed him to continue to put himself in these positions, and he didn't bring his Perspective Glasses to the party, which would have advised him to stay as far away from the legal system as possible. He has to know that their are plenty of folks that want to devour you. Anyhow I just had to get that out of my system, I want everyone to get wisdom, cause i love yall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They were going to get him for jay walking! The system have been after him forever! His fault for falling in their trap!