Monday, March 31, 2008

YOU speak for yourself

In the shadow of a few things that have been happening lately i think it i should say this to the masses, take a stranglehold on your life. If you have ambitions and visions see them through and make them a reality the best way you know how.

Frequently humans become jaded to the system. The system that says, you must do A then B and then C. There are so many different ways to get things accomplished and connect with the right people. In this era that we are currently in, the world has become increasingly smaller relative to the past, due to all of the technology that is tangible to us. A statement that i often refer to is, "if you do what you have always done, you will get the results you have always gotten". Think about that and let's take it a step further, if you do it the same way everyone else does it, you will get the same results everyone else has garnered and that puts you smack dab in the middle of mediocrity. Certainly if you take the road less traveled there are fewer sages to help you in your journey, we all understand that, but think if you take your time and map out your plan you can achieve stunning results. Give yourself some credit, and be certain that you know what you know. For instance, just because i have never written a book doesn't mean that i can't write, i know that i can write simple as that. If you don't believe believe in your abilities than certainly no one else will. Take yourself and what you want to accomplish seriously and others will too.

I encourage everyone to take a step in the direction they want to go. Don't swallow the whole dinner at once, you know what you can handle and do it at your own pace (well, within reason). Shout out to ME and T!

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